E. I. DOROSHENKO Candidate of Philological Sciences MIA "Russia Today" Keywords: Libya, Gaddafi, USA, media campaign "Now, as I say these words, planes are circling in the sky, and shells are exploding around me. ... [But] we will not think about death or life. We will think about the call of duty." Muammar Gaddafi, June 7, 2011 October 20, 2014 marks the 3rd anniversary of the tragic death of Muammar Gaddafi. The further away this event is from us in history, the more significant it becomes: the implicit political meanings become clearer over time, and what was initially dismissed and ignored in the wake of the general euphoria about the "victory" over the "dictator", now no one doubts. Each new explosion in eastern Libya, in Benghazi, each clash between groups that takes human lives, does not indicate the approach of the desired democracy, but that there is a fierce struggle for power and money in the country. Now, almost four years after the "February 17 revolution", it is no longer possible to deny the fact that Libya has embarked on a path of disintegration and chaos, just as it is pointless to constantly refer to the transitional "post-revolutionary" period and hope that the population will overcome all difficulties on its own. People's disillusionment with "democracy" - at least as it is currently being presented by the new authorities-is obvious: in the elections to the Constituent Assembly held in February 2014, and in the June vote for members of the new parliament, the "House of Representatives", designed to replace the General National Congress (GNAless than a quarter of all citizens of the country who have the right to vote participated. Out of 3 million 400 thousand voters, less than 500 thousand 1 turned out for the February elections, and 630 thousand 2 for the June elections, such results can hardly be considered a guarantee of stability and an indicator of the legitimacy of the "democratic institutions" being created, especially given that in both ... Read more

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