The eighteenth century is the century of the formation of the American nation. Culture played a very big role in this process. It, like political battles (albeit more indirectly), reflected real social and class relations and contradictions. During this period, the main trend in the development of American society was upward, progressive - from colonial settlements and the rule of the mother country, from severe religious intolerance in the north - eastern settlements, from feudal arbitrariness in the South to liberation, to the triumph of the young bourgeoisie and the republic, to the ideas of enlightenment, to the development of vast virgin expanses. But this main trend has never been able to overshadow other processes: the extermination of Indians, the exploitation of Negro slaves, the early development of political bossism and political corruption; the mustiness of the philistine way of life in the "bear corners"; a constant wary attitude to fresh thought; the gradual elevation of "success" and "material well-being" to the rank of symbols of "genuine wealth". americanism"; ugliness of urban life, urban poverty, aggravation of social contradictions; bitter disappointments of immigrants arriving in America. These processes developed rapidly over the course of only a century, whereas in Europe it took centuries. All this was reflected and reflected in the way of life, self-consciousness, political thought, and artistic culture of the American people.
Social thought exposed, of course, the social cross-section of society and carried a social protest. In this latter respect, it could only resort to political satire and utopianism in its various forms within the framework of bourgeois thinking at that time. Artistic culture also did not dare to do more, but it gave a more detailed and imaginative representation of reality, more sharply exposed the anatomy of social relations. It contained heroism and cruelty, sober thinking, practicality and utopia, humor and satire, ...
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