Part of the combined campaigns of the White Guards and the Entente against Soviet Russia in 1919 was Yudenich's campaign against Petrograd. This action was one of the manifestations of the military-political activity of anti-Soviet, counter-revolutionary forces. The primary role in its preparation belonged to international imperialism. Politically, financially, economically, and materially, it depended on the bourgeoisie of the United States, England, France, and Germany. Its point was aimed at the cradle of the socialist revolution. It is no accident that Soviet literature about Yudenich's campaign appeared during the Civil War, mainly in connection with the study of the heroic Petrograd defense. 1 Over the past half-century, many documentary sources, memoirs, and studies have been introduced into scientific circulation .2 However, most often the events of the end of 1919 are considered, that is, the final defeat of Yudenich's troops at the walls of Petrograd. The initial period of the actions of this tsarist general is covered in the literature incomparably weaker. Therefore, this essay focuses on this particular period, for which some little-known sources from the funds of the Central State Academic Administration of the USSR are used.
1. Node of contradictions
The workers of the Baltic States, with the support of Soviet Russia, established Soviet power in November 1918 - January 1919. However, the counter-revolution in the Baltic States was not completely defeated. The bourgeois - nationalist forces that started the civil war and grouped themselves in Estonia and Latvia around the bourgeois governments opposed the conquests of the workers and peasants. Pyats and K. Ulmanis), and in Lithuania-mainly around the military commandant's offices of the German occupation forces. The imperialists sought to stifle Soviet power in the Baltic States at all costs. After the end of World War I and the defeat of Germany, the ruling circles of Britain, France, and the United St ...
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