(Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the YALTA AND POTSDAM CONFERENCE) In the history of international relations, there are events whose significance is fully revealed over time. Among such outstanding events, a prominent place belongs to the Crimean (Yalta) and Berlin (Potsdam) conferences of the leaders of the three allied powers of the anti-Hitler coalition-the USSR, the United States and Great Britain. Held four decades ago at the final stage of the Second World War, these inter-Allied conferences consolidated the world-historic results of the peoples ' victory over fascism and laid a solid foundation for post-war peace. The closely linked Yalta and Potsdam Agreements reflected the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union to the defeat of fascism, to the creation and strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition, and were an expression of the unyielding will of the peoples for peace, democracy and social progress. Among the meetings of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition that took place at various levels during the Second World War, the Yalta and Potsdam conferences occupy a special place. Whereas the Moscow Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the USSR, the United States and Great Britain (October 1943) and the Conference of the leaders of the three Powers in Tehran (November - December 1943) were devoted mainly to military issues and, above all, to the opening of a second front, and the conference in Dumbarton Oaks (August-September 1944) and the conference of the leaders of the three While the United Nations Conference in San Francisco (April-June 1945) focused entirely on the creation of the United Nations, the drafting and adoption of its Charter, the conferences in Crimea and Berlin focused on the fundamental issues of post - war settlement. Modern historical science has a solid documentary base for in-depth and comprehensive study of the preparation, course and results of the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, and analysis of their impact on the entire s ... Read more

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