M. International relations. 1983. 288 p.
Associate Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Candidate of Historical Sciences A. Yu.Borisov devoted his book to Soviet - American relations during the Great Patriotic War, when, despite the differences in social systems and ideologies, the complex interweaving of specific interests of the two countries, it was possible to find a basis for cooperation in order to This experience, the author rightly emphasizes, "is not only of great historical significance, but also useful in analyzing modern international relations and their development prospects" (p. 6).
This topic has always attracted the attention of Soviet historians, which is reflected in numerous works on the history of World War II. A. Y. Borisov made this topic the subject of a special monographic study. He used a wide range of sources, among which an important place belongs to materials from the Archive of Foreign Policy of the USSR, documentary publications of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and the US State Department.
Thanks to the attraction of new materials, A. Y. Borisov managed to shed additional light on such little-known subjects as the USSR's proposal in 1941 to settle the issue of obtaining a loan of $ 500 million in the United States through the supply of Soviet raw materials (p. 58), the American note of November 13, 1941, which essentially justified the brutal treatment of Soviet prisoners of war by the Nazis (p. 76), new data on the responses in the United States to the Red Army's victory near Moscow (p. 78-82), Washington's attempts to "link" the issue of the Red Army to the Soviet Union.
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the opening of the second front with the recognition of the Soviet western border (p. 91), the role of the Soviet Union in alleviating the fate of American prisoners of war captured by Japan during the battles in Asia (p.124-125), and some others.
The author was able to trace ...
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