V. N. KIRPICHENKO Doctor of Philological Sciences D. A. MUBARAKOVA (Uzbekistan) Post-graduate student of the Uzbek State Institute of Oriental Studies Gamal al-Ghitani (p. 9.5.1945) is one of the largest and most widely read Egyptian prose writers, a prominent representative of the Arabic "new novel", or rather, of the direction that, having mastered the forms and writing techniques of Western modernist literature, at the same time focuses on the national cultural heritage, uses historical documents, traditions,and traditions. images and genre traditions of medieval Arabic literature. He was best known for his first novel, Al-Zeini Barakat (1972), written in the neo-traditionalist style of a palimpsest novel*, in which the events of Egyptian history at the beginning of the XVI century are projected onto the events of the second half of the XX century. Naguib Mahfouz was the founder of neotraditionalism, which aims to "Arabize" modern Arabic literature on the basis of reviving the artistic values of the Arab medieval heritage. Later, this style became widespread in the literature of other Arab countries. By now, al-Ghitani's novels "Al-Zeini Barakat", " Events on az-Za-Afarani Street "(1976), " The Lands of al-Ghitani "(1981), the three-volume "Book of Divine Phenomena" (1983-1987) and others have already become classics of modern Egyptian prose, translated into English. a number of European languages. Unfortunately, only his first novel, Al-Zeini Barakat (1986, transl.), has been translated into Russian so far. T. Kuzmina)1, and we are glad to introduce the Russian-speaking reader to the content of another novel by Gamal al-Gitani, "A Message of Love and Tenderness"2, which was written under the impression of the writer's trip to Uzbekistan and was first published in 1987, as well as two short stories that were first published in an Egyptian periodical at the end of 2009. The novel "Message of Love and Tenderness" is written under the impression of the writer's trip ... Read more

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