I. O. ABRAMOVA Doctor of Economics S. A. BESSONOV Doctor of Economics Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences population Keywords:, cross-border migration, Arab revolutions, labor resources, European Union, Africa, migration policy In addition to inter-continental migration, the movement of migrants within the African continent itself plays a significant role in migration flows. Intercountry African labor migration is usually carried out between countries with different levels of economic development. From countries with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions, migrants are sent to more prosperous countries in search of work and a better life. Each sub-region has one or more countries with relatively strong economies that attract workers from neighboring, less developed countries. IT'S NOT BAD EVERYWHERE IN AFRICA The main flows of African cross-country migration are from inland to coastal countries and from countries without significant raw material resources to countries with such resources. This "rule", however, has quite a few exceptions. For example, until recently, mainland Zimbabwe had a strong attraction for migrants from neighboring countries, such as the highly productive agriculture of the descendants of white settlers; Algeria exports not only energy, but also - in significant quantities-labor. The ratio of sending and receiving countries is clearly dominated by the former. Among the largest exporters of migrants are Algeria, Angola, Benin, Ghana, DRC, Egypt, Cameroon, Morocco, Nigeria, Swaziland, Senegal, Somalia, and Tunisia (the Arab countries in this list "supply" migrants mainly outside the continent). The main poles of attraction for labor migration are the countries exporting hydrocarbon and mineral raw materials-Libya (before the famous events), Gabon, Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville), Zambia, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Botswana, as well as (to a lesser extent) countries with a relatively developed agricultural sector - Ken ... Read more

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