EU AND AFRICA: Time for a change of priorities
I. L. LILEYEV Candidate of Political Sciences Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: European Union, international political relations, aid to Africa, peacemaking The European Union's relations with Africa have acquired new features and a new quality in recent years. First, they have become more concrete and realistic. In the years since the adoption of the ambitious New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) by the 36th Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Algiers in 2000, many African countries, with the help of European partners, have managed to achieve substantial growth in gross domestic product (GDP) and overall economic performance. the pace of development. Although the standard of living of the population in most countries of the continent is still extremely low. This fact is a reflection of the well-known postulate that the volume of GDP and the income of citizens in any (not necessarily African) country are in principle not related to each other. Secondly, the united Europe is now much more insistent than before, trying to prove its loyalty to a number of principles of its foreign policy practice, which it declares. And aid to the third world was and remains one of these principles, and, therefore, is an important factor in strengthening European unity. Since the current economic success of a number of African countries has hardly affected the standard of living of their citizens, especially the poorest part of them, these States will not be able to do without external assistance for a long time. And the EU has been and remains the largest source of such aid. EU member States account for 56% of all global official development assistance (ODA) to Africa. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in 2011 The EU has provided $ 25.3 billion in development assistance to Africa. euro 1. HELP - TO THE FINAL DESTINATION With regard to the distribution ... Read more

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EU AND AFRICA: Time for a change of priorities

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